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Still logged into my ex's thermostat

Isn’t it interesting how quickly things turn from affectionate love to entirely hate? It seems like there has such a enjoyable line between adoring somebody and wishing that they would die.

Maybe this is a bit extreme, but you understand what I’m saying.

One morning, you are residing with somebody and planning out an entire life with them, and the next morning you feel sick when you feel about seeing their face again. For me, relationships tend to end with a bang and a lot of bitter feelings. Personally, I do not feel as much spite as my ex’s generally do. Maybe I’m just more forgiving than they are, or maybe it’s because I generally find some way to get one iota of revenge.It doesn’t have to be mean-spirited or extremely evident, but I like to feel like I’m getting the final word. With my most recent ex, that has been fairly easy. When I left his house, I was never logged out of his smart thermostat. In fact, he actually doesn’t realize that I’m linked to the smart thermostat because I’m the one who set up with the temperature control component for him. Since I’ve never been kicked out of the HVAC program or air temperature settings, I like to use the convenient smart thermostat application for tiny acts of revenge. Every once in a while, when I feel of something shitty that he did to me, I log into the smart thermostat and change the air temperature control settings. Maybe I crank up the heat in the middle of the night. Maybe I just alter the heater control plan by a few degrees everyday. Or maybe I turn off the heater all the way. No matter what I choose to do, I always feel better knowing that he must be uncomfortable.


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