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Wanting a smart thermostat installed in my home

When it comes to getting new home technologies my husband is very stingy about it.

He’s always afraid that it’s just a waste of money and there is no used to it.

However I’m just the opposite I have learned a lot about technology and being an environmentalist I know that there’s a lot of energy saving technology that a lot of homeowners should be purchasing. One of these energy-saving technologies that I have learned about throughout the years is a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat is digital, it is still set on the wall however they are also smaller than normal thermostats. The one that I want to get is a round smart thermostat. This smart thermostat saves energy and money when we are not away and it even knows our schedule. For example if I set my thermostat to 68 degrees when we’re not home and I also set it to 72 degrees when we are home it will automatically heat up our home since it knows our schedule. However my husband thinks that it will not work. So one day I decided to buy the thing and have it installed by a professional HVAC technician. My husband was a little upset at first but then he realized how great of an investment it was. Not only do we control it when we’re at our house but we can also control it when we’re not at home. My husband and I love to go on vacations a lot so we can control our smart thermostat on our laptops or our smartphones.


wifi thermostat