Worst time that I have dust sensitivities is in the fall, and every time that I go to the healthcare workers it seems like they cannot figure out what I am allergic to.
I have a feeling that I am allergic to ragweed.
This is because I live right near a field where they do hay and the field is full of wildflowers and ragweed, just this past weekend I spent my entire Wednesday and Tuesday indoors congested and stuffed up. To help with my dust sensitivities and get my mind off of how congested I was, I decided to vacuum and dust my entire home. I have been told by my Heating as well as A/C company that by keeping up with cleaning my home, it will allow my Heating as well as A/C system to run more smoothly and effectively… My Heating as well as A/C company said that he just recently went to a client’s household where they had four pets and six cats living inside. When he walked in there he wanted to run out of the household as his client’s household was so dirty and there was a rancid stink. When he went to go disinfect their Heating as well as A/C system he found so much dust and dander in their air filter that he couldn’t even use their reusable air filter… He told the owners that due to the excessive particles in their Heating as well as A/C system, if he rinsed off the air filter it would still be too dirty to use. They were frustrated with him as the did not want to spend fifteen dollars on a new air filter. By giving professional Heating as well as A/C advice, the owners in that home did not listen to him and continued using their dirty animal hair congested air filter.