My air conditioner has been on the brink of dying for the past 2 years… I was hiring an Heating, Ventilation and A/C serviceman to come repair my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system biquarterly, even though I got tired of hearing the same thing, and he would consistently tell me that it was time to purchase a new air conditioner machine because the one I had was inefficient and old. I understood his reasoning, even though I wasn’t ready to purchase a new air conditioner; For starters, I did not have the funds. I would have had to drain my checking account in order to purchase a new air conditioner and have it installed by a professional, but secondly, I didn’t believe my air conditioner was running that bad; My utility bills were a little high, however nothing astronomical. I also didn’t believe it took long to cool my house after setting my temperature control! Needless to say, I was in no rush to purchase a new air conditioner just because the Heating, Ventilation and A/C serviceman was telling me to. I love the Heating, Ventilation and A/C supplier I hire, even though I understand that they’re running a business and they want me to buy a new air conditioner from them. I wasn’t going to throw away a great air conditioner before it was ready to go, then when I finally observed that my air conditioner was taking longer to cool my house and my utility bills were rising steadily, I decided to bite the bullet and buy the new air conditioner. I’m glad I waited until I was ready… There was no sense in rushing.