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The a/c won’t labor in our van

The a/c won’t labor in our van for some reason as well as it’s super annoying if you ask me.

The weather has genuinely been heating up a lot lately as well as I genuinely need to have a wonderful a/c in the van.

I have to be in the car literally all the time while in this summer time because I drive around a lot for my task. I have to go all over the county as well as the fact that the a/c is not working respectfully is genuinely bringing me down. I drive all the time for labor now as well as when it’s so hot outside as well as the air conditioning isn’tworking, it genuinely makes me not want to get up as well as go to labor in the afternoon. It’s bad not having an a/c in the car, especially when the temperature outside is in the high 90s like it has been lately. I have to get in as well as out of the car a lot as well as whenever I get back in again it takes forever for it to start cooling down. I am going to have to take it to the mechanic to see what they can do about it. Maybe I just need an air conditioning recharge or something like that, which should be a pretty cheap fix. I hope that’s all it is, anyway! Otherwise, I will have to pay a small advantage to get a new a/c system put into the car! I don’t have the money for that type of repair right now, that’s for sure.
a/c serviceman