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Working out in the sun

I followed a guided workout for jumping rope on my iPhone! After an hour of strenuous exercise, I was dripping sweat and needed to drink a lot of water

I live in an section where the weather tends to be hot and humid for the majority of the year, my nice friend and I rely heavily on the cooling system; I have a lanai constructed across the back of my home that I use as a home gym. I have invested into battle ropes, a yoga mat, incline bench, mini trampoline, set of jump ropes and free weights! The lanai features a stone floor and one wall that is entirely built of screened windows. I have a really beautiful view of the lake behind my house! While I love having a fresh breeze, the conditions in the lanai frequently become warm and muggy; Because of the screens, it’s not possible to air condition the space. I utilize various box fans that don’t help much. I set the box fans to run at the highest speed, stand directly in front of the cool air, and yet I’m dripping sweat before I’ve completed my warmup. It’s difficult to get motivated. I often feel sluggish and lazy. I make an effort to get up extra early in the afternoon and workout before the heat of the afternoon. This afternoon, I began my workout session at seven o’clock. The outside temperature was already seventy-seven degrees. I went through my proper warmup, utilized the battle ropes and then lifted weights. I jumped on the trampoline and did all unusual kinds of crunches on the incline bench. I followed a guided workout for jumping rope on my iPhone! After an hour of strenuous exercise, I was dripping sweat and needed to drink a lot of water. After a cool shower, I felt great.


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