I feel like I basically had to jump through hoops just to get my new temperature control unit! I have been wanting to get a new control component for quite some time now.
- The primary reason I waited so long is because there was regularly an important bill to pay, or a repair to be made before anything else.
Now that everything is paid and taken care of, it allowed me time to focus on something I wanted, which was a new control unit. But not just any control unit, I was actually hoping to get a smart control unit, and getting a new smart control component should be simple enough. They certainly are popular and so a lot of people have them, and are selling them. I genuinely found one rather suddenly, it was on an app that someone in my neighborhood had one for sale. My associate and I agreed to meet at a particular date and time, however they ended up selling it to someone else, which was extremely annoying. Then I obtained one off of an online website, and everything was able to go through, until I got a text the upcoming day saying they had made an inventory mistake and they were totally out of stock. I then made the choice to buy one from the source, and just obtained one from the heating and air conditioner appliance supplier nearby. Believe it or not, the smart temperature control component got lost in the mail. I was feeling like I was never going to get a new control unit. I finally obtained a second one, and it’s on its way, hopefully it doesn’t get lost too.