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Our community had too numerous yellow jackets

At first glance, most people are in awe of how charmingly kept our community is; My associate and I have a charming fountain out front, & a large stone sign with the community name on it, and then planted all around our homes & the front of the town, is all kinds of different flowers of different colors; Naturally, what attracts flowers is bumble bees & honey bees… I don’t guess anyone in this community has a problem with the honey bees or bumble bees, in fact, a lot of us like to offer honey bee help if my buddy and I can, because my buddy and I like those insects & how they help our environment.

  • The problem is that they aren’t the only insect attracted to our community, yellow jackets are also attracted to our community, & they build nests here all of the time, and wasps & yellow jackets are a problem because they will sting people if you get too close.

My city has addressed the issue, by announcing they are having commercial bee removal on Sunday, & since the wasps will likely keep coming back, they are going to honestly have yellow jacket removal a couple of times a year. I thought this was a good idea, it will lessen the numbers & the opportunities of people getting stung! And I can cherish going outside & odoring some of the charming flowers, without the worry of a potential wasp being inside. I’m happy they are going to leave the bees alone as well, & only go for the wasps.



Yellow Jacket