My brother’s new wife seems like a decent girl.
They have been married for 6 months and I was in the military when they tied them up.
I did not get to meet her until just recently. I took my girlfriend and we went to visit my brother and his wife for three days. We were going to stay in a hotel, but my brother’s new wife tried to make us comfortable in their home. I appreciated the fact that she wanted us to stay there. She was being very friendly and gracious. It was very cold outside and I wasn’t exactly thrilled about sleeping in the basement. I didn’t know that my brother and his wife had to fix things up since the last time I had been there. I was surprised when I walked downstairs and saw the carpeted area, couches, chair, and television. My brother and his wife went to the store and bought a small space heater just to make sure that it would be warm enough. They have a ductless heater downstairs, but it doesn’t usually run unless the temperatures are 60°. They bought the space heater to make sure that we would be warm. I really appreciated everything that they did to make my girlfriend and I feel welcome and it made me contemplate whether or not we should move back home. My brother and I could buy a 40 acre farm for a small amount of money and go into the soybean, corn, and potato industry. My brother pitched me the idea while I was there, but I don’t know if I want to leave the city.