My sibling-in-law Jo called me last weekend as well as wanted to know what my buddy and I were going to do over the weekend.
Jo was putting in a new pool. Jo was almost twenty years old, as well as it was going to cost as much for a new liner as for the in-ground pool. While putting up a new pool, he said the pool deck should be replaced. He asked if my husband would bring his tools as well as know-how as well as help replace the poolside deck. My husband said OK, as well as they set up the time when he was to show up. I stayed behind because I knew what it was going to be like at the house. These noisy men would labor in the sun, working to replace the pool deck as well as drinking a lot of beer. None of us wanted to be their barmaids or chief cooks, so Jo and I put together a bunch of food in the living room as well as headed to the casino. There were four of us, as well as Jo and I were planning on having a fantastic time. Sadly, my buddy and I all had consciences, as well as Jo and I were halfway to the casino when my buddy and I turned back. Jo and I were sure our husbands would labor to replace the pool deck, as well as they would forget to eat. When Jo and I got back to the house, my buddy and I found out how wrong Jo and I were. Instead of being where the pool deck needed to be replaced, they were playing darts, as well as fantastic with food as well as beer. The pool deck had barely been started, as well as the men were both getting drowsy from the food, beer, as well as sun. Jo and I knew my buddy and I shouldn’t have let them alone.