It wasn’t the furnace that was torn up after all.
I thought that my furnace was torn up again the other day but it turned out to be the thermostat instead.
I never really knew how important a thermostat was to your heating and cooling system, but that day, I figured it out. It was really cold outside here, and the temperature inside of the house was getting colder and colder. I wasn’t sure what the issue was, but I did not think that there was anything wrong with my furnace because I had just had it maintained by my local heating and cleaning company. If there had been an issue with the furnace, they should have fixed it at that point. Anyway, the furnace seemed to be working just fine even though the house wasn’t heating up at all. That’s when I finally decided that I would check on the thermostat instead. When I went over to the thermostat, everything looked fine to me at first. But then I noticed that there was a little light blinking on it. The light was the signal to change the batteries in the thermostat unit. I had never even noticed it before, so I don’t think that the batteries in the thermostat had ever been changed once since I have been living here! No wonder the house was so cold! I ended up changing the batteries in the thermostat and everything turned out fine. I was really glad that it was an easy fix and not something that I was going to have to pay my HVAC company to come and fix on my furnace!