Before I can explain what happened to the thermostat I need to fill you in on the backstory. It all started about six weeks ago when my brother Gene got kicked out by his wife. I won’t get into the details, but basically she was tired of Gene’s crap and gave him the old heave-ho. I was dumb enough to let Gene stay on my couch. He said it would be for a couple of nights, but six weeks later he was still here. Gene and I have always been combative and competitive siblings, so when he started messing with my thermostat I called him out for it. This is my place, and I got to decide what the thermostat settings should be. If Gene didn’t like it he could leave. Over the weekend we both had a few beers and watched the big game, and then I saw Gene adjusting the thermostat again. That was the final straw, and I told him to never touch the thermostat again. He grinned and said “or else what” and touched the thermostat yet again! Gene expected me to hit him, but instead I squared off and punched the thermostat so hard it shattered and fell off the wall. That’s right, I was so angry that I hit the thermostat, because I feared that I would send my idiot brother to the hospital if I punched him with that much anger. I told Gene that next time his face would take the punch instead of the thermostat, and told him to get out of my house.