I had my HVAC system tuned up by the heating and cooling guy when he arrived.
He asked me if he had any recommendations as I explained that I was looking to replace my current heating and cooling system with one that would be better at conserving energy.
I reasoned that since he is a heating and cooling technician and not all employees are experts in these systems, he would be one of the best people to ask. It is for this reason that he gave me a great recommendation, advising that I purchase a geothermal heat pump. He described a heat pump as a device that is buried beneath the ground and that, depending on my needs, transforms liquids into heat or cool air. He informed me that they are much more durable than conventional heating and cooling systems and also save energy. He never stopped telling me about all these wonderful advantages. There could not possibly be a heating and cooling system this great without some sort of catch, so I questioned him as to what it was. He assured me that there was no catch, but there was something I should be aware of, namely the fact that although they are expensive up front, they are more than worth the money in the long run. I like to hear about long-term financial savings. I’m going to do exactly as he advised and conduct more research on geothermal heat pumps. I’ll investigate some geothermal heat pumps to determine if they are appropriate for me. It all sounds great and all so I think I might be convinced.