I’m feeling pretty good right now. It’s my favorite time of year and the weather is almost perfection. Where I live, the winter is a welcome relief and not the miserable experience that much of the rest of the country has to deal with. For me, I love this time of year. The holidays are just over and the heat pump is still quiet. But I have to say that I’m really eager to hear the heat pump crank up. That’s pretty unusual for me to say considering the fact that I really don’t like it when the air conditioning has to be on. But we live in a region where there is plenty of demand for air conditioning. No, the reason I want to hear the heat pump crank up is because it’s a new residential HVAC unit. This new HVAC unit has been installed for a couple weeks now but there’s been zero demand for heating. And of course, the new residential HVAC came with all sorts of HVAC technology included. We have zone controlled HVAC along with a smart thermostat. And the SEER rating on our heat pump is three times what the old one was. So I’m feeling pretty good about the type of energy efficiency we’re going to experience once the air conditioning kicks on again. And it will be really nice to go into the brutal summer season knowing that I have a heat pump that’s going to make it through. Last summer was a bit touch and go with the old heat pump so it’s going to be really nice to feel secure with this heat pump this summer.