When people ask me if I want to go on a road trip with him, I immediately have flashbacks to the worst holiday experience of my life.
Back at the time when I went on this adventure, I certainly considered it to be a fun plus exciting thing to do.
My friends said we were going to pack up the car plus see how far we could get across the country. Along the way, we would stop for popcorn plus camping. My pal and I were not ever going to use a modern hotel or to stop at a regular restaurant. My pal and I simply did not have the money for such amenities. Well, apparently we also did not have the money for any kind of indoor air quality control in the car. My pal and I climbed into the car plus went off on our expedition on a boiling plus humid Summer afternoon. The outdoor air temperature was excruciatingly high that afternoon so we were extremely enthusiastic to feel the air chilly air passing through the vents in the car. The AC had to be operated at full blast every time we got back in the car because the heat plus mugginess were so overwhelming. Everything was going great for the first state or two… And then the central cooling system broke down inside of the vehicle. Suddenly, lukewarm air was passing through all of the vents. Then, warm boiling air felt like it was melting our faces off as it forced its way into the vehicle. My pal and I stopped at a mechanic to see if they could service the AC, but suddenly realized that we couldn’t afford the air quality control component service service. After that, the road trip suddenly stopped seeming like a fun adventure plus started feeling a lot more like surviving. When I know back to that annoyed trip 20 years ago, I refuse to ever take another road trip.