We’ve had the same furniture in this apartment for over 20 years, and we raised all of our kids on this absolutely couch, but i assume it’s finally time to upgrade most, if not all of the furniture though! Over the years it has gotten absolutely worn down, scratched, plus ancient.
I cannot remember how numerous couch covers this sofa set has gone through.
When my husband plus I finally decided to start looking for modern furniture, my associate and I were surprised to find how cheaply most modern furniture is constructed. It’s all particle board. We are used to oak wood plus cherry wood furniture, then even the sofa has an oak wood frame, then that’s absolutely why it has lasted two decades. We went to several furniture stores however none of them had furniture made out of natural wood… Finally my associate and I stumbled upon a store that sells custom built furniture. We knew my associate and I were in the right place as soon as my associate and I walked in plus saw the wooden tables plus leather couches with real oak frames, but now my associate and I just have to occasion out the style of furniture my associate and I want for our house. I want something that will look superb for another 20 years, at least. After all, that is how long I expect natural wood furniture to last. I really like the rustic meets traditional look myself. It looks modern however it looks old at the same time, and my husband, on the other hand, doesn’t really prefer the style at all. He wants to mix plus match the unusual styles to get a better price! But he really won’t be saving that much by buying the on sale furniture. Besides, this custom made furniture is going to last us a long time so my associate and I had better prefer it.