Nobody likes to make large purchases because it consistently means a lot of currency.
I am no exception to this.
I tend to save my large purchases for the end of the year when all the stores are offering major sales. If I can’t wait until the end of the year, I try plus hold off until a major holiday because sales are also rampant around those times. This year, I know exactly what I want to purchase. I certainly need a ductless mini split system that can cool my kitchen. My kitchen is consistently warmer than the rest of my apartment because it is on the second floor in it’s own separate loft, but countless Heating plus A/C businesss have told me that heat naturally rises, which is why my kitchen is consistently warmer! Unless I were to add another Heating plus A/C zone to my house, there would be no way to cool it without seriously affecting the rest of my Heating plus A/C settings. I did hear the words ductless mini split system thrown around loosely while in many of my Heating plus A/C tune ups, so I decided to finally look into it. I was satisfied to see that a ductless mini split unit was exactly what I needed for my kitchen plus at a relatively affordable price. Once I bought it, I could hire an Heating plus A/C professional to come install it for me; Since I didn’t technically need the cooler air in my kitchen, I decided to hold off on purchasing the ductless mini split unit until the holiday season. I wanted to be certain that I was getting the lowest price possible!