My neighborhood recently experienced the coldest afternoon my friend and I have had in over 2 years… With hot & cold temperatures in the low 30s, most people was losing their minds! Not to mention that most of the people that live here have never experienced hot & cold temperatures this low, but it is likely that numerous of them did not even have the appropriate outerwear for such chilly hot & cold temperatures; Another complication the community faced was that numerous of the older homes were not equipped with common heating systems, there are only a few places in this region that have the knowledge to repair a heating system.
With such a tropical climate, there is no need for heating system repair shops; Many people only have experience in repairing cooling systems.
When people found out that the hot & cold temperatures were soon to plummet, they all checked to make sure that their boilers were modern & in working order. The few people in the part who knew how to repair heating system were severely busy for the past few afternoons; I did not suppose that one night of chilly hot & cold temperatures would have such an effect on the internal temperature of my house. I was wrong about that. Around midnight, my home was 50 degrees inside. I decided I would turn the space heating system on in my study room while I slept. I know that this is a dangerous thing to do, but I did not have a choice. My home was not well insulated nor do I have central heating or cooling. I was able to survive for one night with the space heater, & the next night the hot & cold temperatures were back to a comfortable temperature.