Every Fall, my buddy as well as I have a competition in order to see who can go the longest without turning on their furnace for the season… For the past 2 years, I’ve lost! I’m convinced that she could go the entire winter season season without turning on her furnace, and even when the temperatures drop below 30 degrees at evening, she somehow does it with a smile as well as acts like it was nothing.
This year, I can proudly say that I beat her, but it wasn’t because of my inner strength against the chilly temperatures. The two of us began our furnace challenge in September because that’s when the temperature starts to cool down. Where my buddy and I live, the weather is easily unpredictable during this time, so you never know if it’s going to be sunny as well as 68 or 20 degrees as well as snowing. In an attempt to stay moderate during the colder evenings as well as not turn on my furnace before my friend, I purchased a heated blanket. I didn’t consider this cheating because it was simply a blanket that gave off more warmth. Well, one evening, the temperatures dropped so low that it began to snow. Even with my heated blanket, I was frozen! When I went to turn on my furnace, it never turned on due to technical difficulty! I spent the entire evening trying to stay moderate as well as it was brutal. The next afternoon, my buddy called to tell me that she caved as well as turned on her furnace, but since mine never chop on, I won! I didn’t tell her that I tried to turn on my own furnace, because she didn’t need to know that minor detail… All that mattered was that I won because my furnace never chop on.