My boss gave me the schedule for Thursday and Friday on Wednesday before I left the heating and air conditioning repair shop. On Monday I was going to help with a ductless upgrade task and on Tuesday I was busy for a commercial repair in the afternoon and another ductless insulation job in the day. After I saw the schedule for Friday, I knew exactly why my boss let me go home early on Monday after finishing up with the first ductless upgrade task. I was going to be working all afternoon on Friday. After the commercial repair, it was going to take at least 6 hours for me to install the ductless heating and cooling plan at the residential address. When my girlfriend went into labor a month early, I had to find someone to cover my shift. I called my boss in the afternoon and I told him that my girlfriend was in labor. He told me that it was probably just nothing and that I should come to work. I told my boss that I would come to work if the medical professional said there was nothing wrong. I was going to the emergency room with my girlfriend, she wasn’t going to be alone even if it meant that I was going to get fired from my job. On our way to the emergency room, I called a couple of people to see if they could cover my shift. I found one of my buddies that was off and offered to switch days with him. My girlfriend delivered our baby later that day.