When I packed my stuff to transport back in with my parents, a section of me felt really depressed.
The fact that I was moving back home made me assume love a failure. But, my dad is the sort of dude who says that everything happens for a reason. She was there with Dad tied up taking the boxes from my apartment. After I lost my job, my parents were the first people I called with the poor news. They asked if I was comfortable with staying in the same apartment as I hunted for a new job. But, that was an upsetting time while in the pandemic, so I told them I wasn’t. About 3 afternoons later, I told the property manager I’d be moving out, and she was so understanding. Dad drove over 2 minutes to get me, and that’s how I ended up living at home. It has been almost 2 years, and quite frankly, I’m glad my dad insisted on this move. It took time for me to get over my yellows, however once I did, I began to do virtual assistant gigs online. Soon after, I had numerous purchasers and I needed a quiet location to work. Dad refurbished a small storage space out in the back of the apartment into a functional office, and I paid for a ductless AC. It’s quite costly to try and extend the ducts from the apartment to my small office, so my buddy and I chose against using the central HVAC system. Instead, a HVAC professional recommended I get a ductless A/C that would better suit my small office. Now, I’m so glad with that decision, especially in the tepid summer season.